Table of Contents

;-- mode: Org; fill-column: 100;-- git clone ssh://<user>/<repository_name>.git

1. SHA1 (default)

it defaults to using seven characters:

git log --oneline or --abbrev-commit

At its core, the Git version control system is a content addressable filesystem. It uses the SHA-1 hash function to name content.

  • these simple names are called “references” or “refs”; (.git/refs directory.)

2. CLA and DCO, signoff and gpg-sign

CLA (Contributor License Agreement)

Copyright transfer/assignment agreement - an agreement that transfers the copyright for a work from the copyright owner to another party. ex: a video game developer who wants to pay an artist(painter) to draw a boss to include in a game

DCO (Developer Certificate of Origin) - way for contributors to certify that they wrote or otherwise have the right to submit the code they are contributing to the project.

  • aggree to "the contributor is allowed to make the contribution and that the project has the right to distribute it under its license"
  • introduced in 2004[1] by the Linux Foundation
  • Sign-off is a requirement for getting patches into the Linux kernel and a few other projects, but most projects don't actually use it.
  • Sign-off is a line at the end of the commit message which certifies who is the author of the commit. Its main purpose is to improve tracking of who did what, especially with patches.
    • Signed-off-by: Humpty Dumpty <>

-s::–signoff:: - add line to commit message to signal that you created this commit, have permission to submit it, and you adhere to the project licensing.

-S –gpg-sign - adds a gpg signature to the commit which requires one to have gpg installed and a private key. GitHub will mark commits that you sign with the verified label. If you sign your tags, they will also be marked as verified.

3. GitHub actions - CI/CD platform

3.1. theory

It uses main branch only.

When you enable GitHub Actions, GitHub installs a GitHub App on your repository.

3.2. features

  • automatically add the appropriate labels whenever someone creates a new issue in your repository
  • provides Linux, Windows, and macOS virtual machines to run your workflows, or you can host your own self-hosted runners in your own data center or cloud infrastructure

3.3. terms

in repository
defined by a YAML file in .github/workflows/. Triggered by: event, manually, at schedule.
part of workflow, set of steps. run sequential or parallel(default) in one workflow. May depend on other job.
Each job will run inside its own virtual machine or container.
of job. run a script or run an action. executed in order.
default environment variables
that GitHub sets automatically
custom variables
user definde
activity type
specify which activity trigger event.

3.4. workflow file

workflow is divided into jobs, and each job performs a set of steps

specifies what commands or scripts to run, the default settings, the environment for the commands, etc.

name (optional)
name of your workflow, if not specified GitHub sets it to the workflow file path.
run-name (optional)
name for workflow runs, if omitted then for a workflow triggered by a push or pull_request event, it is set as the commit message.
  • ex. Deploy to ${{ inputs.deploy_target }} by @${{ }}
events if just list. ex. [push, fork]
example job name
ex. ubuntu-latest.

3.5. examples of workflow files

3.5.1. checks out the pushed code, installs the bats testing framework, and runs a basic command to output the bats version

name: learn-github-actions
run-name: ${{ }} is learning GitHub Actions
on: [push]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: '14'
      - run: npm install -g bats
      - run: bats -v
{True: ['push'],
 'jobs': {'check-bats-version': {'runs-on': 'ubuntu-latest',
                                 'steps': [{'uses': 'actions/checkout@v3'},
                                           {'uses': 'actions/setup-node@v3',
                                            'with': {'node-version': '14'}},
                                           {'run': 'npm '
                                                   'install '
                                                   '-g '
                                           {'run': 'bats '
 'name': 'learn-github-actions',
 'run-name': '${{ }} is '
             'learning GitHub Actions'}

3.6. variables

custom variable

  • env key in workflow file.
    • env:\n\t DAY_OF_WEEK: Monday
    • jobs: env:\n\t DAY_OF_WEEK: Monday
    • jobs: steps: env:\n\t DAY_OF_WEEK: Monday
  • define it at the organization, repository, or environment level

3.7. events that trigger workflows

on: {release: {types: [published]}}
on: {schedule: [cron:  '30 5,17 * * *']}
"on": [push]

Every event has "activity type" which describe it further.


3.7.1. frequent events:

  • push - triggered when a commit is pushed to the repository
  • pull_request - triggered when a pull request is opened or updated
  • workflow_dispatch - triggered manually by a user or API call
  • release - triggered when a new release is created. GITHUB_SHA, GITHUB_REF (refs/tags/<tag_name>)


  • schedule - triggered on a specified schedule (e.g. daily, weekly)
  • repository_dispatch - triggered by a custom event from an external system or API
  • page_build - triggered when a GitHub Pages site is built
  • issues - triggered when an issue is opened, edited, or labeled

3.7.2. ex

    # Sequence of patterns matched against refs/heads
      - main
      - 'mona/octocat'
      - 'releases/**'

3.8. secrets and variables

Repository -> settings -> Secrets and variables -> Actions

referencing secrets: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


GITHUB_TOKEN - created before each job begins, expires when a job finishes. Usage: passing the token as an input to an action, or using it to make an authenticated GitHub API request. the default permissions are restrictive.

  1. permissions:
      actions: read|write|none
      checks: read|write|none
      contents: read|write|none
      deployments: read|write|none
      id-token: read|write|none
      issues: read|write|none
      discussions: read|write|none
      packages: read|write|none
      pages: read|write|none
      pull-requests: read|write|none
      repository-projects: read|write|none
      security-events: read|write|none
      statuses: read|write|none
    permissions: read-all|write-all
    permissions: {} # disable permissions
  2. usage example:
    name: Create issue on commit
    on: [ push ]
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          issues: write
          - name: Create issue using REST API
            run: |
              curl --request POST \
              --url${{ github.repository }}/issues \
              --header 'authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' \
              --header 'content-type: application/json' \
              --data '{
                "title": "Automated issue for commit: ${{ github.sha }}",
                "body": "This issue was automatically created by the GitHub Action workflow **${{ github.workflow }}**. \n\n The commit hash was: _${{ github.sha }}_."
                }' \

3.9. jobs

  check-links: # job ID
    name: My first job #  which is displayed in the GitHub UI. (optional)
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - run: npm install -g bats
      - name: do something important

job runners:

3.10. actions

3.10.1. checkout


Only a single last commit is fetched by default.


Default: ${{ github.repository }}
uses the default branch

3.10.2. ex

uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@27b31702a0e7fc50959f5ad993c78deac1bdfc29
        user: __token__
        password: ${{ secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN }}

3.11. variables

reffered as $GITHUB_WORKSPACE:

The default working directory on the runner for steps, and the default location of your repository when using the checkout action.

3.11.1. secrets

  • Names must not start with the GITHUB_ prefix.
  • Names must not start with a number.
  • Names are case insensitive.

${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - special

with: # Set the secret as an input
  super_secret: ${{ secrets.SuperSecret }}
env: # Or as an environment variable
  super_secret: ${{ secrets.SuperSecret }}

3.12. runs-on

Each job runs in a fresh instance of the virtual environment specified by runs-on.

3.13. passing data between …

  • actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact
  • volumes - to share data between services or other steps in a job.
  • outputs - maximum of 1 MB. The total of all outputs in a workflow run can be a maximum of 50 MB.

3.14. release

  1. create new release
  2. add asset to existent release
    • gh release upload ${{ github.ref_name }} ./dist/*{.exe,.exe.sha512.txt}

4. GitHub special files

4.1. docs/

[Contribution guidelines for this project](docs/

or in your root directory

think of it as a anchor for your project, around which you will build community and keep things tidy. provides potential project contributors with a short guide to how they can help with your project or study group

  • Project contributors - users of the file who want to know items they're welcome to tackle, and tact they need in navigating the project/respecting those involved with the project
  • Project consumers - users who want to build off the project to create their own project

4.2. .git-blame-ignore-revs

Contains commit hashes with big refactorings that you don't want to be shown in history of review.

4.3. .github/CODEOWNERS

notifications for pull requests, for feedback

path name of owner

4.4. .github/

Security Policy

how to report

4.5. .gitignore

  • .gitignore - will be added to repository
  • .git/info/exclude - without adding .gitignore to repo
  • ~/.gitignore_global - global for all repositories

remove ignored files from current repository:

  • git rm -r –cached .
  • git add .
  • git commit -am 'Drop files from .gitignore'

4.6. TODO .gitlab-ci.yml


5. Github search


  • filename:my_filename.txt or "path:**/your-file-name" or "path:your-file-name"


  • cats stars:>1000 matches repositories with the word "cats" that have more than 1000 stars.


  • cats size:<10000 matches code with the word "cats" in files that are smaller than 10 KB.


  • cats created:>2016-04-29 matches issues with the word "cats" that were created after April 29, 2016.


  • build label:"bug fix"


  • is:issue assignee:@me matches issues assigned to the person viewing the results


  • -org:github - not in repositories in the GitHub organization.
  • -language:javascript
  • hello NOT world matches repositories that have the word "hello" but not the word "world."

6. install git

  • git config –global "<>"
  • git config –global "Larry the cow"
  • git config –global core.editor emacs
  • git init
  • git add .
  • git commit

7. Global settings: Author identity unknown, proxy

7.1. global config files

.git/config [user] section:

  • git config ""
  • git config "(none)"

~/.gitconfig git config –global –list git config –list - repository config

7.2. proxy

git supported protocols:

set proxy:

git config --global http.proxy 'socks5://' # for http protocol
git config --global ssh.gitproxy /path/to/bin/ # for git protocol

/path/to/bin/ where $1 and $2 is remote host and port:

nc -x $1 $2

git config –list # should look like this:


core.gitproxy is not working, idk why.

7.3. ssh

Host ServerAliveInterval 55 ForwardAgent yes CheckHostIP no ProxyCommand nc -xlocalhost:9050 -X5 %h %p

8. revisions

man gitrevisions

  • <rev> - revision - commit or blobs ("files") or trees ("directories of files") whis is conteined in commit.
    • <sha1> - extended SHA-1 syntax
  • <describeOutput> Output from git describe; i.e. a closest tag, optionally followed by a dash and a number of commits,
  • <refname>, e.g. master, heads/master, refs/heads/master
  • [<refname>]@{<date>}
  • <refname>@{<n>}, e.g. master@{1}
    • n-th prior value of that ref.
  • @{<n>}, e.g. @{1}
  • <rev>^[<n>], e.g. HEAD^, v1.5.1^0 - n-th parent
    • A suffix ^ to a revision parameter means the first parent up to tree of that commit object. <rev>^ is equivalent to <rev>^1
    • A^<n> - mean <n> parent where a commit has more than one parent
    • A^0 = A
  • <rev>~[<n>], e.g. HEAD~, master~3
    • A~2 - seond parent up to branch = A^^
  • r1 .. r2 - revision range
    • r1..r3 = r2 r3 = r3 ^r1
    • r1^..r3 = r1 r2 r3
  • r1 … r2 - all parents of both

9. Definitions

Version Control System (VCS) [ˈvɜːʃən] is a software that helps software developers to work together and maintain a complete history of their work.

Git - distributed version control system.

Repository - software storage local or remote. contains the history and branches.

  • Bare repository - git init –bare For sharing in collaborating. repository without working tree. Not allow tocreate new versions. (commit i guess)
  • Local Repository - .git folder at local machine

Working tree - folder for the repository (tracked and untracked). staging area (Index) - git add list of files with sha1 of content - tracked files. Stagging or cached - changes that will be included in next commit. (after git add)

Checkout - Updates files(remove changes) in the working tree to match the version in the index or the specified branch.

Commit 1)commit the staged changes into Git repository 2)commit object - uniquely identifies(SHA-1 hash) a revision(state) of the repository(content). Has pointer to parent commit.

If commit has miltiple parent commits - was created by merging.

  • First parent commit is the branch you were on when you merged A^, A^2 - second parent

Version graph formed by all commits in the repository

HEAD - symbolic reference. If you switch branches, the HEAD pointer points to the branch pointer which in turn points to a commit. If you checkout a specific commit, the HEAD points to this commit directly.

.gitignore the root directory of your project, the ignore settings will be applied to all sub-directories automatically.

Detached HEAD mode - If you checkout a commit or a tag

ref - symbolic references (symrefs)

Upstream branch - branch tracked on remote repository by your local remote "tracking" branches.

  • Local remote "tracking" branches - local branches that has remote associatied in .git/config
  • remote tracking branches - branches on remote version of local repository
  • "remotes" - remote repository, configured in git remote. ex. origin

9.1. Pull

from remote repository instance to local one.

9.2. Push

from local to remote

9.3. Branch Branch - are local for the repository. A branch is a named pointer to a commit.

Remote-tracking branches - there are remote branches. Looks like origin/master. not stored localy. but may be checkout.

local branches - looks like master. they are stored in local repository.

To have an upstream branch(tracking branches) - –track This configuration will tell git to show the relationship between the two branches in git status and git branch -v. If you clone a Git repository, your local master branch is created as a tracking branch for the master branch of the origin repository (short:_origin/master_) by Git. Always local.

upstream branch - the branch which tracking branch tracks. Always Remote-tracking branches.

Default branch - named _master

9.4. TAG

Tag - points to a commit.

Lightweight tag - without properties, annotated tag - with additional info

Release tags - common applying of tag.

9.5. .git/config, remote

Fetchurl, Pushurl - the location of the repository

Remote - remote repository pointer with properties e.g. URL, branches to fetch or branches to push.

Origin - default name for remote. after clone

9.6. Submodule

Git-submodule - via a .gitmodules file located at the root of the parent repository. They’re too intrusive, requiring submodules to be initialised and updated. And switching between branches, which is where Git really shines, suddenly becomes painful because submodules don’t do what you expect.

git merge git rebase - like merge but add current branch commits at the top of rebase branch

git fetch - move local Remote-tracking branche to what at remote repository. it may add commits not existing in another local branches.

By default you can only push to bare repositories.

release tags are labeled based on the [major].[minor].[patch] naming scheme, for example "1.0.0". Several projects also use the "v" prefix. the minor version is incremented if new, backwards compatible functionality is introduced to the public API and the major version is incremented if any backwards incompatible changes are introduced to the public API.

To get submodules for project:

  • git checkout –recurse-submodules
  • git submodule update –depth 1 –init –checkout –recursive

9.7. cherry-pick

act of picking a commit from a branch and applying it to another.

most of this can be made with git merge

10. commands

  • git init/clone
  • git stash - save working directory state and allow list saves
  • git rm [file] - remove files from the index and maybe(–cached) working tree
  • git mv - move file, directory symlink, index updated, but changes must be commited
  • git add - update the Index = add files and update check-sum.
  • git clean - Remove untracked files from the working tree
  • git log
  • git reflog - local actions history - git reset HEAD@{index}
  • git show
  • git diff
    • git diff HEAD - between Staging Area and HEAD commit (git diff "s" HEAD - "s"=a, HEAD=b)
    • git diff –staged/cached HEAD - between Stagging and HEAD
  • git branch
  • git switch - switch branches
  • git checkout -switch
  • git commit
    • –amend - replace last commit of current branch
  • git merge - combines branches
    • git merge –abort
  • git revert - revert one commit and record new one
  • git reset - sets HEAD to comment (and reset index and/or working tree)
    • –mixed - reset index but not working tree
    • –soft - do not touch index and working tree
    • –hard - index and working, changes are lost
    • –merge - reset index and update files in working if they different in past commit
    • –keep - reset index and update files in working if they dont have local changes
  • git reset file - reset file to HEAD
  • git remote - manage remote repositories
  • git fetch - harmless download changes
  • git pull - download changes and change working tree

11. branches


  • git switch branch name


  • git branch name # create a branch from the current branch, do not switch to it
  • git branch <name> <hash> - <hash> is optional to which the branch pointer original points
  • git checkout [[-b|-B|–orphan] <new_branch>] [<start_point>] # git branch -f <branch> [<start-point>] ; git checkout <branch>
    • git checkout -b name # new branch and start at the start poing
    • -B <new-branch> # <new-branch> is created if it doesn’t exist otherwise, it is reset
  • git switch -c new-branch # git branch <new-branch> ; git switch <new-branch>
  • git switch -c dev –track master # If the starting point is a local branch, you can force the tracking


  • git branch -d testing - delete local branch
  • git branch -d -r origin/dev origin/stage origin/prod # delete remote-tracking branches.
  • git push [remote] –delete [branch] - delete branch in a remote repository


  • get branch -r # remote branches (red)
  • git branch # show local branches (green with * is current)
  • git branch -a - lists all branches including the remote branches
  • git branch -r - lists branches in the remote repositories
  • git branch -v - info of tracking branches
  • git remote show origin - show all remote and tracking branches for origin
  • git branch -vv - to see local tracking branches.
  • git branch –merged/–no-merged [commit] # Only list branches whose tips are reachable


  • git branch -D name # delete a local copy of a branch.
  • git checkout -b develop -
  • –orphan - no parents, totally disconnected. no commits before first
  • # tracking branches
  • git checkout -b newbranch origin/newbranch - setup a tracking branch called newbrach which tracks origin/newbranch
  • git branch [new_branch] origin/master
  • git checkout –track origin/serverfix - create local serverfix branch tracking remote one if remote exist.
    • git checkout serverfix - the same
  • git branch –unset-upstream # Remove a current tracking relationship
  • git push -u origin feature # Link a branch to an upstream branch
  • git branch –set-upstream-to # set remote tracking branch

11.1. theory

upstream tracking branch: master ⇒ origin/master

by default both “git merge” and “git rebase” will use the upstream tracking branch

when you checkout a new branch and you are using a remote branch as the starting point, the upstream tracking branch will be setup automatically.

12. remote branches, upstream braches and symrefs

  • git remote - show "remotes" whose branches you track
  • git branch -r - remote tracking branches (branches on remote version of local repository)
    • * - currently viewing
    • origin/HEAD -> origin/master - default branch and current commit of origin. may be changed with: git remote set-head origin <remote> <branch>
    • origin/master - remote branch
  • cat .git/config
    • remote = origin - remote associated with branch (upstream configuration)
    • merge = refs/heads/master - branch and HEAD on remote

12.1. kinds of symrefs

git symbolic-ref

  • .git/HEAD, pointing at somewhere under refs/heads/ hierarchy;
  • .git/refs/remotes/{some remote name}/HEAD, pointing at somewhere under refs/remotes/{the same remote name}/ hierarchy.

13. User/Password locally for repository (save password in repository)

  • git config credential.helper store
  • after next push credentials will be saved

14. log

git log

  • –oneline -
  • –graph
  • –decorate[=short|full|auto|no] lenght of ref name - default short

git log HEAD~4..HEAD git log HEAD~4 - the same git log testing..master - list all commints in master but not in testing git log master…testing - commits reached by master or testing but not both

git log HEAD – git log -1 – HEAD - one last commit for HEAD file git log HEAD^ - one parent commit for HEAD

15. merge

fast-forward is merge operation when Git moves the current branch HEAD pointer to the target local branch HEAD pointer, without having extra commits.

merge branch

  • git checkout master
  • git merge development


  1. undo
    • git merge –abort
    • git merge –continue
  2. resolve
    • open conflicted file to see
    • remove <<<<<, == amd >>> lines to resolve conflict
    • git add ./path/file ( if new)
    • git commt -m "Merge development fixed conflict"

16. markdown

GitHub Flavored Markdown with a few unique writing features (один из диалектов Markdown)


16.1. headers

# A first-level heading
## A second-level heading
### A third-level heading

16.2. code

one word: `nano`.

frase: ``Use `code` in your Markdown file.``

import os

16.3. all

## The second largest heading
###### The smallest heading
**This is bold text**
> Text that is a quote
Use `git status` to list all new or modified files that haven't yet been committed.
git status
git add
git commit
: This site was built using [GitHub Pages](
: [Contribution guidelines for this project](docs/
: ![This is an image](
: [![name](link to image on GH)](link to your URL)
: <>
: <>
: I love supporting the **[EFF](**.

- George Washington
- John Adams
- Thomas Jefferson

To order your list:
1. James Madison
2. James Monroe
3. John Quincy Adams

Nested Lists
1. First list item
   - First nested list item
     - Second nested list item

<!-- This content will not appear in the rendered Markdown -->

| First Header  | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |

| Command | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `git status` | List all *new or modified* files |
| `git diff` | Show file differences that **haven't been** staged |

| Left-aligned | Center-aligned | Right-aligned |
| :---         |     :---:      |          ---: |
| git status   | git status     | git status    |
| git diff     | git diff       | git diff      |

17. pages

repo -> Settings ->pages




  • GitHub Pages supports two Markdown processors: kramdown and GitHub's own Markdown processor, which is used to render GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM)

18. decentralized share


  • GIT_USER="t"
  • GIT_GROUP="t"
  • GITDAEMON_OPTS="–syslog –export-all –enable=receive-pack –base-path=/home/t/share"
    • If desired to accept git push and allow access all direct, it needs two options –enable=receive-pack and –export-all in GITDAEMON_OPTS

or use sshfs to directly access folder

19. branch metodology (rus)

  • Central Workflow - one master branch
  • Forking Workflow - 1) original or main branch 2) fork branch owned by another contributor which going to suggest merges to main
  • Developer Branch Workflow - one main and every developer has one or more own branches. finally forks will be merged to main.
  • Github Flow - (good for agile teams) - extension to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model
    • main branch - code works and ready to deploy at any time
    • all brancches (features) - checked by leader of the team + one more specialist then merged to main
  • Feature Branch Workflow -
    • main - stable
    • dev -
    • features branches - created from dev. finally merged to dev
  • Git Flow - big projects
    • main branch or production - stable
    • develop - may be not stable
    • release1-9 branches - stabilization work take place here and merged to develop and master
    • hotfix1-9 branches - for fast solving of critical problem of production branch. merged to develop and master.
  • Issue Branch Workflow - like a "Feature Branch Workflow" but with for issues

20. commit metodology

consist of

  • action
  • subject
  • comments


  • init — инициализация;
  • add — добавление;
  • delete — удаление;
  • update — изменение;
  • fix — исправление;
  • refactor — рефакторинг кода приложения;
  • style — исправление опечаток, форматирования;
  • docs — всё, что касается документации;
  • test — всё, что связано с тестированием;
  • merged, fix conflict — слияние, решение конфликта.

21. image upload

  • Just drag and drop your image from your local pc to github readme in editable mode.
  • You can create a .github/images directory in your repo and add all your assets there. Assets added here will be available on{github_user_name}/{repo_name}/{branch}/.github/images/{asset_name}.{asset_extension}

Link in

![Alt Text](/assets/{asset_name}.{asset_extension})


22.1. branch

git checkout origin/another_branch

git checkout master git merge hotfix

22.2. misstake

git reset –hard

git commit –amend -m "asd"

git reset –hard a43e2d13 git push origin development –force

22.3. tags

git tag 1.6.1 -m 'Release 1.6.1'

git push origin [tagname]

git push origin tag <tagname>

git push –tags

git push origin v0.1

git tag -d 1.7.0

git push origin :refs/tags/1.7.0

git show 1.6.1 git chechout <tag_name>

22.4. all

ref~ is shorthand for ref~1 and means the commit's first parent ref^1 ref^2 - two parents for merge commit

git diff-tree –name-only -r <commit_id> git diff HEAD^ HEAD

git blame -w -L 1,2 [filename]

git shortlog git shortlog -s - only users

git pull = git fetch + git merge git pull –rebase = git fetch + git rebase - clear changes

git checkout - reset file to latest commit or stagged state

git status - Displays paths that have any differences

git config –global –list git config –list - repository config

git clone git:// git - default protocol 9148 port git clone clone via HTTP git clone ssh:// git - name for ssh URL for remote:

git remote show origin - get a full list of Remote references are references (pointers) in your remote repositories, including branches, tags, and so on. git ls-remote origin - like above git remote -v

### Stagging area ### git add [path] -add to staging area git reset [path] -remove staging area git diff –cached -shows the differences between the staging area and the last commit git add -n . - on’t actually add the file(s), just show if they exist and/or will be ignored.

#clean git reset –hard - clean stagging area but do not touch untracked files git clean -fdx - remove untracked files -f force -d directories -x hidden files

#reset to origin git fetch origin git reset –hard origin/master git checkout master

git reset HEAD~1 - move HEAD and branch pointer - do nothing with untracked files Reset Branch pointer Working tree Staging area soft Yes No No mixed (default) Yes No Yes hard Yes Yes Yes

git reflog - show HEAD movements and found reseted commits

git show HEAD:./pom.xml -show file

Create patch:

echo "new content for test01" >test01

git add . git commit -m "first commit in the branch"

git format-patch origin/master or git format-patch -3 HEAD - for last 3 commits Apply patch:

git checkout master

git apply 0001-First-commit-in-the-branch.patch

git add . git commit -m "apply patch"

rm 0001-First-commit-in-the-branch.patch #short git am *.patch -order in which the patches are applied by specifying them on the command line.

#remove last commit git reset –hard HEAD~ git commit –amend git push -f origin master

#fix detached HEAD git checkout master

#Subtree git remote add -f test-subtree #–no-commit perform the merge but pretend the merge failed and do not autocommit

git merge -s ours –squash –no-commit –allow-unrelated-histories test-subtree/master git read-tree –prefix=test-subtree/ -u test-subtree/master

#pull changed subtree in parent git pull –allow-unrelated-histories –squash -s subtree test-subtree master

#push subtree from parent ???

git submodule add [URL to Git repo] git submodule init git submodule update –remote -remote if you need branches. updates the working tree to the commit described by the branch cd [submodule directory] git checkout master git pull

git clone –recursive

#push submodule from parent #cd submodule git status - check that we on master git checkout master - if detached HEAD mode commit submodule cd parent commit parent git submodule update

#commit main git submodule update git commit


23.1. see changes

  • git diff myfile.txt # haven't git added yet
  • git diff –cached myfile.txt # already added

23.2. branches

remove commits to another branch

  • git checkout -b new
  • git checkout old
  • git reset –hard commit
  • git push origin –force

remove commits from remote branch

merge range of commits

  • cherry-pick
    • git checkout old_or_master
    • git checkout -b new_branch
    • git cherry-pick a..e # from development

23.3. explore unknown repo

  • git branch -a (all or -r remote)
  • git log –graph –oneline
  • fetch/push: git remote -v
  • authors: git shortlog –summary –numbered –email –since "2 year ago" or git shortlog -sne
  • git tag # get all tags and versons

23.4. pull forced

git reset –hard git pull

23.5. delete all hisotry / remove all commits

git checkout –orphan latest_branch git add -A git commit -am "commit message" git branch -D master git branch -m master -rename current branch to master git push -f origin master git branch -u origin/master master - to track remote

git –work-tree="." pull –allow-unrelated-histories git merge git rebase

23.6. delete commits after

  • git reset –hard commit
  • git push origin HEAD –force ??????
  • git push origin +HEAD:development

23.7. check if working tree has local changes

one of:

  • git status -s
  • git diff –name-only

git diff HEAD

git status -u - display untacked files

23.8. seach

in files git grep WHAT

  • -n add line number
  • –count print only sum occurances
  • –heading –break - more readable

in content of commits git log -S WHAT –oneline

23.9. merge changes in big priject - instruction

  1. Create a new dev branch
  2. Do your work on local dev branch
  3. Push dev branch from your local to central git repository
  4. Once your work is done, merge dev branch to master
  5. Finally, delete the dev branch from both local and central git repository


  1. git checkout -b my_branch
  2. git commit -m " "
  3. git push –set-upstream origin my_branch
  4. git checkout development
  5. git merge my_branch
  6. git branch -d dev
  7. git branch -d -r origin/dev
  8. git push

23.10. restore file to HEAD

git restore file

23.11. get all authors

  • git shortlog -sn –since "2 year ago"

23.12. git move between commits

  • git checkout HEAD^
  • git switch - and/or git checkout master

24. join commits together, merge commits, squash commits, Squash commits into one

merge two last commits together:

git rebase --interactive HEAD~2


git merge --squash bigix # Takes all commits from the bugfix branch and groups it for a 1 commit with your current branch.

merge in history:

: git rebase -i <commit_hash> # after which others will be squashed
select commits that will be squashed

; git push –force-with-lease

25. humor

when the Internet connection lost: "Looks like something went wrong!"

26. Troubleshooting

You have divergent branches and need to specify how to reconcile them.

  • There is a merge conflict, you should one of:
    • git merge or git pull –no-ff # create merge
    • git rebase or git pull –rebase # temporarily removes commits from our local branch and do fast-forward
  • This is the default setting. It means that git pull will use a merge strategy to combine the changes. This creates a new merge commit that combines the changes from the remote branch with your local branch.
  • This configuration tells git pull to use a rebase strategy instead of a merge. This means that your local changes will be replayed on top of the remote changes, creating a linear history with no merge commits.
  • This configuration tells git pull to only perform fast-forward merges, which means that the local branch will be updated only if it can be fast-forwarded to the remote branch. If there are any divergent changes, git pull will fail and you will need to resolve the conflicts manually.

27. status badge


![example workflow](

select branch:

![example branch parameter](


![example event parameter](
![example event parameter](

28. python bots

  • python/miss-islington
  • python/bedevere
  • python/the-knights-who-say-ni


tig log [options] [revisions] [–] [paths]
tig show [options] [revisions] [–] [paths]
Open diff view using the given git-show(1) options.
tig reflog [options] [revisions]
tig blame [options] [rev] [–] path
given file annotated by commits
tig grep [options] [pattern]
tig refs [options]
tig stash [options]
tig status
tig <
tig +N
show +2 = +1 commit from HEAD

29.1. Keybindings

View Switching

  • m Switch to main view.
  • d Switch to diff view.
  • l Switch to log view.
  • p Switch to pager view.
  • t Switch to (directory) tree view.
  • f Switch to (file) blob view.
  • g Switch to grep view.
  • b Switch to blame view.
  • r Switch to refs view.
  • y Switch to stash view.
  • h Switch to help view
  • s Switch to status view
  • c Switch to stage view

Created: 2024-03-03 Sun 09:50
